Introducing Our NEW Course
“Discover The Sales That Exist In Your Business That You Are Currently Missing” – Premium Version £97 Plus VAT
You’re obviously serious about growing your business and doing that by harnessing your existing customer base is a smart move – but one that is often overlooked.
In This Course You’ll …
Assess Your Customers
Which ones are profitable, and which ones are losing you money
Develop Your Own Unique Action Plan
- Take action in the best sequence
- Implement the most appropriate action based on the segmentation
- Make more money from the most profitable sector and learn how to cut out the dead wood
- In other words reap the benefit from the work you’ve already done!
Use Our Missed Revenue Calculator
Assess the revenue you are currently missing
Use Our Downloadable Help Sheets
Track and measure
Access To Our Templates
Templated emails, telephone scripts, referral requests and more – so taking action is simple
Access our private Facebook group
Where you will receive regular help and assistance. And get the chance to network with like-minded business owners
Plus Audio
This course also comes with audio help and a prerecorded webinar so you can watch and implement at a pace that suits you
You Should View Your Existing Customers As A Gold Mine
You’ve already paid to acquire them
You have their contact details
You’ve built up a sufficiently strong relationship with them so they purchase from you. According to the Harvard Business Review existing customers spend on average 67% more with you!
You can personalise your message to them based on what they’ve previously bought, how they’ve interacted with you and so forth.
Our new course ‘Discover the sales that exist in your business that you are currently missing’ does exactly what it says. It is based on the strategies that I use with my private clients, clients who pay me to work with them personally and grow their business
And in my experience working with your existing customer base is the fastest way to making more sales and stopping this group of customers deserting you for the competition.
“He’s inspirational, inspiring, intelligent and full of great ideas – his enthusiasm is infectious. Use him!”
“I would recommend him to any organisation wishing to transform or reinvigorate their sales and marketing culture”
100% Investment Back Guarantee
If you are not delighted with your purchase, please get in touch for a complete refund, no questions asked