In the face of adversity, we as business owners don’t always have a choice as to what happens to us, as recent events have shown. We do however have a choice as to how we react. In my view now is a time to be strong, show leadership and take as much control over the areas that we can. This article will help you keep going during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
I’d like to share some further ideas that I have seen of businesses who are showing initiative.
- Marks and Spencer bank is offering free currency exchange for anyone with unused foreign currency
- A small furniture shop is offering free delivery of essentials to their local community
- Hilliers the garden centre is offering a discount on garden furniture. Their sales line is that you’ll be sending more time at home and in the garden so sit on something decent. To the point and relevant.
- A small deli in Carol’s home town will bring your purchases out to your car if you don’t want to come into the shop
I’m sure that you have seen many more great examples of businesses that are thinking laterally and what they can do to give their current customers the chance to remain loyal.
It’s important that we maintain a positive mindset. Here’s some ideas of what you can do daily to help you help your business, retain your customers and your staff.
- Choose to hang out with the right people. Being a business owner is often a solitary position. One where you are mean tot have all the answers. Generally however we don’t have a crisis plan in place. And even those who did are unlikely to have foreseen this. The situation is changing, so you need to keep your mind open and positive. So surround yourself with the right people.
We have a Facebook Group called The Sales Initiative specifically for business owners like you which you are free to join. But whatever you do find like-minded people to talk to. They right set of people will keep you positive, keep your mind working and give you a group to brainstorm ideas with.
- Look for joint venture partnerships with fellow businesses. Are there ways that you can combine efforts with a complementary business? In the list above I gave the example of a furniture shop that is making
- Reach out to current customers. Is there anything that you can do for them now? Now is a great time to build that relationship. Rather than have preconceptions, why not ring the first few and keep the dialogue open. What would help them? Then consider what you can do and ring the rest with these options in mind. If calls aren’t appropriate, then use email.
If you would like to chat through your concerns or ideas with me, then please use the form below to request a call back from me. There will be no selling from me, just part of my aim to help my fellow business owners succeed.
If you would like to join our Free Facebook group The Sales Initiative just click here. We’d love to continue this conversation and act together to come out the other side of this crisis strong and ready to prosper.
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