Register Your Interest In Sales On A Daily Basis Today

In just a few weeks we will be launching Sales On A Daily Basis. It’s very special as it brings together everything we have used to supercharge the sales results of our private clients.These tools have generated millions of pounds of additional revenue for enlightened organisations and we are bringing them all together online, with videos, workbooks, templates, webinars, boot camps, fast track calls…the works.
Register and not only will we give you the chance to buy as soon as we launch, as a thank you for your support, we’ll send you an exclusive launch offer!
‘One of my large venues was struggling for enquiries mainly around Weddings. Typically we had 8-10 hot leads bubbling at any one point but we’d hit a dry patch. Our normal marketing was just not delivering.
Enter Mr Standing and his merry band…
We set a target for 150 leads and pressed the switch.
Now have a guess how many enquiries we got……..?
87 in the first hour
345 in the first week
900 + with 2 weeks and then we cut it off before melt down…
We secured bookings worth over £286k for 2016-2018 and we are still taking enquires. PLUS we have a load of qualified leads to whom we can market Christmas, Birthday Celebrations, Anniversaries etc..